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It is FREE

The online typewriter is completely free. I am offering this program for free in order to gain information for my typeing research. Your typing practice allows me to you are typeing I can find out which lessons are most useful for acquiring touch-typing skills. This information then enables me to develop strategies for learning touch typing, integrate them into this program and thereby help you to learn touch typing eaky – all at the same time. Check it out... Registration is free

Help us?

The online typewriter will remain 100 % free and we are constantly trying to update and improve it. You can support us by sending emails, postcards or local specialties, but at the end of the day the most valuable support to us is your experiences, tips, notes on errors and your ideas on how to improve the typewriter. So just send an email telling us what you think of Typewriter online. Have fun! Thomas Schroffenegger University of Education Austria/Vorarlberg
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